SEC 1s; THANK YOU SEC 1s, for your time and effort, in putting up a rocking performance, in buying your seniors such pretty presents, in going through the trouble of preparing food for our lovely seniors and lastly, for tolerating all the nonsense you were subject to. :D
SEC 2s; THANK YOU SEC 2S, for your spanking invitations. They were absolutely awesome and I was and still am immensely proud of you guys. Your performance item was very, very entertaining. I had no idea sharianty and nanthini could dance so well. haha. Thank you for going through the trouble of baking us 2 beautiful chocolate fudgey cakes and throwing cadbury chocolate on them. Thanks for all the effort you've put in for this farewell. I'm so grateful for having such hardworking, realistic and creative juniors, willing to sacrifice almost EVERYTHING for EL. :)
SEC 3s; The gay, horny batch. haha Thank you sec 3s for helping me with the different commitees, Invitations, Souvenirs, Food, Performance. You guys were definitely the best and even though we didn't get certain things done to perfection, we managed to pull of EL farewell and for that I am eternally grateful. Thanks for the gay meetings and the updates at odd hours. Thanks for tolerating my long and sometimes incoherent smses. You guys are the best.
Thank you EL for your effort, blood, sweat and tears. May you always be cheerful and seek solace in all things err.. english related.
saa, my first full ELDDS camp, and it was my last. and I was facilitating. I vow to crash next year's ELDDS camp. ZETTAI NI! (that's Japanese for "FOR SURE!") When I heard that there was a meeting by all the sec 4s about the ELDDS camp, I was v. happy. When I found out that not all the sec 4s were there, I was... still happy. When I found out that we weren't playing any of the games, I was... neutral. (I for one wouldn't be caught dead doing the apple bobbing thing.) When I found out that there was a general knowledge quiz, Inner Bookman started to cry, and I was... slightly not happy. And then came the requirement that we had to act like "responsible sec 4s", and I was pretty convinced that one hour into the camp I was going to retreat into myself and stop talking completely for the whole day. (Too hard, too hard!)
But it ended up being quite fun, though I gave a total of about three forfeits (I think it's quite a sad number, but then again I'm a bit sad-istic when it comes to that sort of thing.). I made people dance the Hare Hare Yukai (it ended up looking very different from the Hare Hare Yukai though...), and got other people to yell quotes from 300 outside the HOD room (Do the HODs even know what 300 is?). But that kept me going, and I was happy. Oh right, and I must have done the Hare Hare Yukai, the Motteke! Sailor Fuku and the Soulja Boy at least seven times each over the course of the day. Maybe more. I made myself so happy XD
And of course, being the generously-self-appointed Joseph Goebbels of ELDDS (I need a heir! OMG I HAVE NO HEIR.), I made a video 8D.
If during the alleged Hare Hare Yukai there's unstable footage, that's my bad - I started doing all the actions to the Hare Hare Yukai with my right hand in the middle of the dance. ^^ *cough cough*to be narcissistic, why didn't i record myself doing the soulja boy. */cough cough*
I did enjoy posing for the kung fu picture though. That was kinda fun. I remember back when I was in sec2 and sec3 and I used to do the whole see-how-far-we-can-bend-backwards thing with Prisia and Vicky would come along and go all "NO IT'S DANGEROUS! D8" and I'd try my best to justify it.
oh well. nothing left to say i shall sign off nao. enjoy video XDDDD (it made joy fall out of the window laughing)
It was exponentially fun! I would like to commend the Secondary 4s for putting in so much effort to make us the gayest CCA in Cedar. The games succeeded in bonding us, within our levels and throughout the entire cca. So, I leave you with some a video of the forfeit we made Anita do.
hello el! pictures as promised (: blogger decided to play with me and not allow me to upload photos, so these are done in photobucket. I seriously hope it works! kudos to esther's photography skills and her camera! el camp 08 rocked socks. (:
sec2s trying to be formal and serious for once!
after many attempts by the sec3s to spoil our sec2 photo,we finally got a decent one!
Esther and shar with their pink tongues!
random shots during the afterlunch level games. (:
chalk drawings by the sec4s!
caterpillar caterpillar walking on ABCs, soon to be butterflies!
hello! we are from ELDDS! (:
Faith and balls! (;
naughty sec2s decided to play waterfight after awhile, oops. much to the displeasure of Ishika. sorry senior for being so baddd! (:
terribly wet, but having much much fun!
sec1s doing caterpillar!
after the polosweet game! cleaning up!
informal discussions, also known as crapping time!
water volleyball!
what we did to the remaining waterballoon!
our lovely gay sec3s!
presenting, drumroll...English Lit DramaDebate Society 2008