hello el! pictures as promised (: blogger decided to play with me and not allow me to upload photos, so these are done in photobucket. I seriously hope it works! kudos to esther's photography skills and her camera! el camp 08 rocked socks. (:
sec2s trying to be formal and serious for once!
after many attempts by the sec3s to spoil our sec2 photo,we finally got a decent one!

Esther and shar with their pink tongues!
random shots during the afterlunch level games. (:

chalk drawings by the sec4s!
caterpillar caterpillar walking on ABCs, soon to be butterflies!
hello! we are from ELDDS! (:

Faith and balls! (;

naughty sec2s decided to play waterfight after awhile, oops. much to the displeasure of Ishika. sorry senior for being so baddd! (:

terribly wet, but having much much fun!

sec1s doing caterpillar!
after the polosweet game!

cleaning up!
informal discussions, also known as crapping time!

water volleyball!

what we did to the remaining waterballoon!


our lovely gay sec3s!

presenting, drumroll...English Lit DramaDebate Society 2008