i'm back from UK!
HI fellow actresses and debaters!
I touched down at Changi Airport on Friday at 6pm! I've been sleeping a lot during the weekends to recover from jet lag and I can't wait to return to school to see all of your bright smiley faces again:)
I had a blast during the two weeks in England:) And hopefully I'll be able to use my experiences to help create a better future for ELDDS.
Let us look to the A1 list for our exams now!
Remember: you're NOT alone in this stress,okay? Everyone will suffer together with you:) That's the right spirit!
Love,Li Lin >
hey guys !!! sorry for polluting el's blog ... but i just had to let you guys read this story ... its so sweet ... love, sneha shankar
Twenty Dollars A speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 note. In the room of 200, he asked. "Who would like this $20?" People started raising their hands. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you - but first, let me do this." He began to crumple the 20 dollar note. Then asked. "Who still wants it?" Still there were hands raised. "Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" He dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands remained in the air. "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless; but no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes, not in what we do or who we know, but by ...WHO WE ARE. You are special - don't ever forget that." >
its me. u know. me! -jean's post
heys everyone! haha.. guess who?? *jumps around*
lol well firstly, this blog is really u know, sigh. *stares at the exco* whoever came up with this idea.. its just.. so damn bloody COOL. haha.. it sounded so negative aye?
well as to who i am, um well.. it doesnt matter does it? haha.. thank u so much for putting in so much effort last tuesday cause i really really really enjoyed myself.. haha.. and yupps. (: i love EL.
ok i am seriously spastic. look at the colours i keep using. okok.. i shall just try to stick to one. lol..i doubt so.. but anyway..
Lilin: (haha i just had to change colour) well u have a good trip to UK ( its UK, right?) haha and dont forget to buy me something ok!!! ((((: i want my present man! and thank u for taking care of el..
Reka: nothing much man. just ROCK on. ((:
Ying Xuan: what ever u do, please dont turn lesbian or i might just fall for u. ( haha.. u were so "se" ( perverted) when u were the judge of the play.. gosh so electrifying. hahahaha..)
Nisha: hey collect money!! lilin says $5!! hurry hurry. lol..
everyone: you all rock. EL is nothing without you. so remember everyone plays a big part ok? we are just a family and we have to work together!! (((: everyone did a fantastic job on tuesday. ((: i am so proud of u!!! *hugs all* i really had so much fun watching ( but not when i got sabo-ed to sing.. haha.. thanks to ms claire! XD )!!!
ok you should know who i am right? haha.. this is jeannette. yes. ex president.
lol.. well.. i guess thats all i have to say, people just keep blogging man.. (: i will try to check back constantly, cause my exams are just a week away.. bleah. oh and hope u peeps liked my postcards.. well.. haha.. wish me luck and pray for me ya. lol.. exams exams. they are just so retarded. whos gonna disagree with me? lol. XD
oh and i seriously cannot believe that we dont have a booth. thats just wrong. our school just has to do it so that they will regret huh? gosh. so upsetting!! but its ok, next year!! we are gonna show them. right?? because -
Eldds Rocks.
we are //forever.
love, jeannette >
Hey Fellow actresses and debaters!
It's so sad that we're one of the only few CCAs that do not have a booth on Cedar Open House day(Which is on 3rd september). Never mind,we shall fight for that opportunity next year and it's EXTREMELY important to keep the optimistic spirit and faith going,because that's what we only have,to build ourselves up on.
I'll be leaving for London on 5th September and won't be back till 15th September. Remaining exco,please take care of ELDDS and attend to the adminstrative matters that Mrs Serene Ng will give us.
I think we should start the angel-and-mortar game anytime this year because we can always start a fresh batch of angel and mortar game again next year with the new batch of secondary ones.(Does that answer your question sneha director?)
I do hope that we're allowed to pick 5 secondary twos to represent ELDDS in this year;s LTC 2005 too.*Looks at secondary twos*
All right.Take care.Revise hard. Exams are coming-but think of the fruits of rewards after all that mugging. I have no idea how I'll cope with sightseeing and an school exchange program and manage revision at the same time...but I'm sure God will help me pull through:)
Simphoni,aka webmistress,my blog is http://truegreen.diaryland.com But there's a password to it. I'll tell all of you my password when I return/by email. PLease add me to the links. Thanks SO much!
Signing off, HU LI LIN
I LOVE Cedar ELDDS,till the end of forever... >
sneha's post
hey guys !!! guess who ??? its the gorgeous, wonderful and beyond brilliant sneha shankar that you all love !!! (okay relax guys ... i know im an annoying brat at times) anyway ... looks like im the first 'non-important' person to be blogging ... what a honour ... anyway, this blog thing is so cool !!! the mere idea that eldds has a blog !!! does any other cca have one ???
so, what shall i say ... im sad that tuesday was the last compulsory eldds session, i keep wondering what we will be doing in el next week, only to remember that there will be no el ... waaah ...
oh yeah ... talking about the el session, i need to congratulate the entire transition team for doing such a great job !!! im so proud of you guys and i love you all very much !!! (gosh ... i sound like a mother ...) basically, i need to thank the entire casts' natural talents at acting for doing such a good job and say sorry for all the bitching i did ... at li lin for trying to hard, at nisha for not pausing long enough, at faith for crossing her legs, at nikka for not acting like desperate housewife and at balveen ... balveen, did you do anything wrong ??? despite all that, you guys just rock !!!
while im at it, i might as well comment on the other teams performances, for the ballroom one, lucie you dance really well ... quite experienced arent you ? liyana, you were damn funny !!! and yingxuan, you looked really hot ... (i feeling fine ... i dont need to be sent to the mental hospital) and for the sec 2 murder story ... it was SO cute ... simphioni's crying and trantrums were so cute, as well as all the deaths ... the ghost kept stabbing the girls yet they wouldn't die until the ghost told them to the die !!! so funny !!! you all did a great job !!!
which reminds me, i think we should have like a sort of library of scripts ... what i mean is that, we should write a couple of scripts, even if we dont act them out ... therefore, whenever we hear of a competition we can just choose a script and concentrate on the performance of it, therefore saving time of having to think of story ... and i think its best if we write our own storylines as it will have a lot of originality it then ... do you guys get what i mean ???
yep ... thats all i have to say ... oh and about the angel and mortal game, isn't it best we start it next year so we can include the new sec one's also ... i mean ... next year, not everybody can write to the sec ones and those who are not writing to them have to write to the sec 2s and 3s which they already did this year and writing to the same group of people can get boring ...
okay, i agree, i can't explain things very well ... oh well, im going now ... have a great holiday everyone ... tata >

Hey everyone. I edited the blog, a lot, as you can see. Sorry Simphoni, and the rest of you guys can add in your name under the MEMBERS section. I spent a lot of time on this so be thankful. Just post here and um, have fun?! I'm running outta things to say. Link your own blog, edit all the information part, if you change anything, do tell me I'm very interested to know. God, I feel pathetic. I'm mildly surprised looking at all the posters. So many posts in a few days. I hope the excitement doesn't die down (LOL). So have fun, just one more day, Friday, then it's time to.. no, not party, study! YES LET'S ALL SLAVE OVER OUR WORK AND DO WELL. Yes, encourage everyone to study.
I'm really bored. Hmm.
Alright I'm done, and remember me by my avatar (does it show?), and be nice. Oh and, is it really necessary to have Friday as a school day? Sheesh. >
blog maintainance
hello! this is simphoni reporting again. I just like to point out to you that due to the requests of some of the ELDDS members, I, as the one who maintain this blog site, can freely change the skin whatsoever. So don't be surprised if you visit here and find some other stuff other than that weird white thingy in the middle. But what I'll like to emphasize is that I want you to either edit this blog yourself or send your info to me via email. Is that ok? Because so far under the profile column is only me...we need something more to decorate this blog right? And how come only the president and the vice-president who have post? Yah, so give me your short profile, email add etc, or even your contact no. okay? And your picture too, if you want. Thanks! ps. as for blogskins, you can put a request to what you want. So far Lyana and me request Bleach. What about you? >