Hey Fellow actresses and debaters!
It's so sad that we're one of the only few CCAs that do not have a booth on Cedar Open House day(Which is on 3rd september). Never mind,we shall fight for that opportunity next year and it's EXTREMELY important to keep the optimistic spirit and faith going,because that's what we only have,to build ourselves up on.
I'll be leaving for London on 5th September and won't be back till 15th September. Remaining exco,please take care of ELDDS and attend to the adminstrative matters that Mrs Serene Ng will give us.
I think we should start the angel-and-mortar game anytime this year because we can always start a fresh batch of angel and mortar game again next year with the new batch of secondary ones.(Does that answer your question sneha director?)
I do hope that we're allowed to pick 5 secondary twos to represent ELDDS in this year;s LTC 2005 too.*Looks at secondary twos*
All right.Take care.Revise hard. Exams are coming-but think of the fruits of rewards after all that mugging. I have no idea how I'll cope with sightseeing and an school exchange program and manage revision at the same time...but I'm sure God will help me pull through:)
Simphoni,aka webmistress,my blog is http://truegreen.diaryland.com But there's a password to it. I'll tell all of you my password when I return/by email. PLease add me to the links. Thanks SO much!
Signing off, HU LI LIN
I LOVE Cedar ELDDS,till the end of forever... >