
Hey everyone. I edited the blog, a lot, as you can see. Sorry Simphoni, and the rest of you guys can add in your name under the MEMBERS section. I spent a lot of time on this so be thankful. Just post here and um, have fun?! I'm running outta things to say. Link your own blog, edit all the information part, if you change anything, do tell me I'm very interested to know. God, I feel pathetic. I'm mildly surprised looking at all the posters. So many posts in a few days. I hope the excitement doesn't die down (LOL). So have fun, just one more day, Friday, then it's time to.. no, not party, study! YES LET'S ALL SLAVE OVER OUR WORK AND DO WELL. Yes, encourage everyone to study.
I'm really bored. Hmm.
Alright I'm done, and remember me by my avatar (does it show?), and be nice. Oh and, is it really necessary to have Friday as a school day? Sheesh. >