
April 24, 2009 8:18 PM



There is nothing in this to be ashamed of. El, you have done your bestest, and I know it, in fact, everyone knows it.

Hold your heads high, because you've done your best. And that is the most important essence of life. To have done our best.

I know, you know we don't deserve this, but who are we to change the mindset of 5 people whom judges us. They are not able to see the hard work that we have put in. They are not able to go through the painful and tiring process of rehearsals and managing school work. They are only, able to judge us from that 20 minutes performance. That, 20 minutes.

Remember all the good times we had, all the stupid drawings on the walls of our sets, getting down and dirty with white pain, all this time sacrificed, all the bond forged with our friends.

Thank you for all the great memories. I love you, EL

I will stand tall, and am proud to say, that CEDAR ELDDS have done their best and fought hard. I am proud to announce to the world that I was part of the SYF team 2009. I am proud to be, your president, of  2008-2009

Love, Michelle Tan

p.s: GIVE YOUR ALL FOR CEDAR LIT UP. We'll show everyone what we deserve, and we will let people whose opinions matter to us( friends, family, teachers etc.) judge for themselves the true standards of ELDDS.

comments please ^_^