
April 24, 2009 8:46 PM

it's alright

it wasnt what we expected. it really wasnt. and it isnt anyone's fault. not the cast, the crew, not mr sng. cause we gave it our all. let everyone say what they want to say, but we say : CEDAR ELDDS IS DESTINED TO DOMINATE THE STAGE. we just havent decided when to do just that, and make everybody's jaw drop. so EL, whatever it is, we are still ELDDS and we'll prove that we CAN do it. we know we didnt deserve what we got, but when life hands you lemons, make use of it. this just shows that we can improve ourselves. if we're good, then we gotta be GREAT. then we'll work on being AWESOME. eventhough, personally, we are already there. its just that no one knows that.

oh god. what have i written.

> maisarah

comments please ^_^