
July 27, 2008 3:15 PM


Okay so Joy asked to be Photoshopped into the picture. One, I don't have Photoshop and two, I failed terribly in Photoshop when we tried it for Art last year. So I am reduced to cropping photos and cutting and pasting them in Powerpoint then printscreening it. Warning: The result is not pretty. So you see, when you don't show up for photo-taking, this is what happens to you. You become a victim of my horrible cutting and pasting skills. :D

And ta-DAH! It's not that bad actually, the only thing's that you have to visualise the arms and legs and torsos. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT. I left out Jolene and Trang because I have no picture of/with them. D: I want a picture with Stoner Girl! DD:

I'll stop wasting time and go study Chem now. BYEBYE. :D

- Isis

comments please ^_^