debate competition at plmgss
yesterday night the cedar debate team participated in a debate competition. we fought hard but unfortunately lost to the other team, National Junior College(IP).
okay. i know it sounds stupid but its my first time posting something on the el blog. you can edit if you want to. whoever it is.
anyway, while waiting for our turn, we, the sec2s and 3 and the only sec1, went on a tour around plmgss (the venue for the competition). without a guide. it wasnt really a tour. we were just walking around. so we went to this open space at the top of the school (which is super cool) and took pictures and spooked ourselves. then after that we got really scared then went down back, leaving me at the back of the group.
and here is a pic that chandini took:
from top: malyatha(edited), syahirah, sharianty(edited), cheryl, esther and ME(maisarah)! and the freaky thing between sharianty and cheryl's head is.....a ghost. no. its actually...michelle. she wasnt supposed to be in it but she joined in anyways and ended looking like a ghost.
the debate itself was quite good. our team i mean. not njc. although i didnt really understand much, i understood that what the 3rd speaker said was all wrong.
and our ex and ex ex seniors came to support us. i dont know their names but from our members' reaction, the ex-senior (vidhya!*sharianty edited. lols) seemed to be someone they all loved.
okay im going off now. bye everyone:)
lots of love (happy belated valentines day everyone), maisarah.
ps, i dont know if what i post makes any sense or not or if its lame or wadeva, but i tried:) -and spelled two ppl's names wrongly...- >