
November 9, 2007 7:50 PM


Greetings. Tis be Joy.

WELL GUESS WHAT. I haven't blogged here for almost a year. Frankly, I'm not sure what to blog about. But Faith is IM-ing me nonstop. So I shall give it a go.

now.. hmmm... what shall I blog about. hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Let's blog about my day, though I don't really blog about single days ,rather days as a whole. but anyway,

Today, I went back to School, bright and early with my guitar and perhaps a useless bottle of water. Today, I climbed that great big thingamajig in school. yes, that rock wall. Yes, it was fun. haha. But I kept smacking myself against the wall. OVER AND OVER. especially when I was climbing down. OVER AND OVER. the Intolerable pain . It was like the belayer was playing a sick joke on me where she jerked the rope vigorously every time I descended a metre or so.

And after that, I popped by to check on the debaters then I popped away to join my group for our campfire audition. Then I popped back at about 12 and found Estee and Fiona hanging around so I hung around with them too. Just me, Estee and Fiona. Hanging.

Then I went home and settled myself on a couch in a vegetative trance. And now, I'm here.

my mind is pretty muddled.
So maybe I'll blog a more.. intellectual post another time.

till then,
Joy P.

comments please ^_^