
August 21, 2006 9:39 PM

hello babes!

hello everyone!

am here to remind everyone that I've sent e-mails around about open house!
hopefully you've got it and read it!
this year's gonna be super-FUN so lets make our booth 'da bomb!'! *sorry,
to cliche!*
hey..let me spread some propaganda..muhahahahaha...
if you are a P6 student *preferably a girl* or know any P6s *again, preferably
a girl*, do come down and visit cedar's open house on the 2nd of September!!!
and don't forget to come down to our ELDDS booth to have a look!
*muhahahahaha...im hopelessly evil!*

anyhows, how's life ppl? Just a few words of advice and encouragement, to anyone
who happens to pass by this site... if you haven't started revising, i suggest you
start now.. its only a few more weeks to our exams and i'm sure everyone one of us
here wants to do well so i hope that for at least this period of time, everyone
will at least try and concentrate and study!*tee..he he* - worm, for u!

But most importantly, i would like to extand our gratitude and appreciation to our
Sec 4 ladies and wish them all the best in their "O"s.. we never would've made it
w/o you guys and we wish you all the best during this trying time!


comments please ^_^