something silly
Hey everyone, sorry for changing the skin, I thought this was more organized. I deleted the tagboard and there's the comment thingy now so it's more organized and you'd probably think more before you comment, rather than spam the tagboard (which usually jams the whole computer I own and I'd have to close my brower and re-do everything again).
So how's everybody? :P we're all so excited to go for el aren't we? haha never been this enthu, have we? We have EL tomorrow so remember to stay back and .. umm.. finish your homework, then come for el, punctually at 3:15 pm okay!
Sigh there's nothing much for me to say. All the sec ones I met on friday are so.. hyper!! Poojha, Joy and Chandini.. you guys need pills.. and you need to learn how to speak softly hahaha, loud fun people XD. I hope I'd know all the sec ones like I know the sec2s!
Okay I don't make much sense today and my sentences are so choppy. I apologize, I'm still in a state of panic, our campfire item's postponed to some other day and I'm just feeling nervous. There's also OAC soon and that's even more stressful! I still have to get all the stuff ready..
Arrgh I think I better go study for my SS test tomorrow. Oh and remember to write to your angels and mortals! :D >