Hey all. (: I have suddenly found a free pocket of time on my hands, and thus decided to post.
Haha. What a week it has been ya? Especially with the let down of camp. I'm so sorry for the huge disappointment regarding this issue. The exco and the sec 4s will try our best to make up for it. And I'll especially thank the sec 4s not only for tolerating all my rushing for proposals but also for agreeing to come back in June to hold the day camp. (: EL don't be to sad k? (:
With the March holidays just around the corner, what will you people be doing? I bet all you Scot free people will be jumping around with glee. The sec 4s however, will be dragged down by the ton of studying we have for mid years and chemistry spa. Yup, life seems like a bunch of roses. Haha. (:
Oh, as we approach term 2, I'm sure the seniors will know what exciting events will be coming up. Haha. If you guys get my hint. (:
Yup, have a great holiday and don't spend too much time lazing around the place. (: