
June 28, 2007 8:56 PM

ELDDS video

The video that I made for last year's open house. Pictures taken from the farewell and chalet! Enjoy!

comments please ^_^

June 2, 2007 1:39 PM

New Dynamic Layout

So I've finally completed the new layout!!! Yay!!!

If you look carefully, you would have notice that the BIG splotch in the center is our very own ELDDS shirt logo! Only that it's pink instead of gold. Mainly because the original picture that I have is uber ugly so I have to re-paint the whole thing, and I guess hot pink goes well with black :D

Anyway, what do you think?

Before I forget, here are a couple of things I want you to take note:

1). If you have a blog, please add your url under the navigation (you know where it is). If you are an html-idiot, please don't try to mess up the template coding! Just email me your blog url and I'll add you in myself.

2). Make sure that your blog is still alive. Don't give me dead links (a good example is arty and isis).

3). Someone who knows the password and account name for the tagboard, please email me the details because I want to change the layout colours of the tagboard. Thanks.

4). You can actually post in ELDDS blog from YOUR own blog. If you don't know how to do it, just tell me your email address (the address that you use for your blog signup), and I'll add you in as blog writer.


comments please ^_^