pictures from SYF...
 pregnant ah girl?
 haha! i am the mighty road-sweeper!
 i wanna die!!
 you're not lucky?
 'O's? Oh no!
 i wanna swim!!
 swim swim swim.
 la la la la.
 ms.amazingly lucky!
 sick & perverted worm.(vicky)
 our STAR actresses. joan & mommy.
 in the spotlight. *not the shop.
 husna & mai
 debaters..*missin arty cause she's busy stoning.
 ahh... now, all of us are here. whee.
 well done actresses!!
 ahhh... HRH mr.sng
 *ahem. more posing. glamqueen...
 YAY! eldds2007!! >
its tomorrow. IT is tomorrow. we can do it. we CAN do it. in less than 24 hours, we'll KNOW. we'll know that we've done our very BEST. nothing less than that. we know it now, we'll know it then. cause there is nothing more important than giving it your ALL.
not yummy chocolate ice-cream, nor gooey chocolate cake. nothing.
EL, we believe in you. everyone needs someone to believe in them. just know that we do. that WE care.
throw away that cloak of fear. don't let it cast a shadow on your performance tmr. cause its JUST not worth it.
what's worth it? all those hours of intense practice. of being screamed at, yelled at. of getting headaches and mental trauma from continuous drama exposure.
tomorrow's performance is worth it. so, don't come back with a feeling of regret. with a sense that you FELT you could've done better. wing it. carpe diem. don't throw this chance away. JIAYOU, make us proud!!!! love, vid. >
hello this is cedarian #20334038498324. reporting live, from her home.
she says.
hello everyone. we're from cedar.
and we <3 drama & debate. and our new shirts right?
and cant forget this:
drama you can do it! you can get that gold! cuz we believe in you! you've got the spirit. the talent. you can do it (: yeah thats it kiddos(: >
sorry! for some weird unknown reason, i can only post 4 photos at a time... irritating! sigh.. A LOT more interesting photos to put up.. but too tired leh. i still haven't put up the debator's videos...AWWW! they did so well! hmm.. maybe the next post lar, ok? *pretends to hear the screams of agony frm sec 1s, but feigns momentary deafness.* haha! well done grumpy-turned-dirty old man! i'm SURE you wouldn't have missed your match after a verdict like THAT. i think you flirted with half the room. clarisse was quite traumatised. that's the spirit baby!
ok ppl.. see you in sch tmr.. goodnight!
vid >
more photos!
the 4-EYE(d) ppl..
don't we look dead??
photos! whee.
an extra hand pops out..ooh.
aah... everyone squashed up. how sweet.
sharianty riding a bike on the bus..
coach faith very excited abt taking photo. >