
March 24, 2007 6:36 PM


ahhh... its like a dream.
we came, we spoke and WE WON!! haha, its kinda freaky actually to beat RGS,
i really don't know how to express my gratitude to everyone who stayed back SUPER late just to support us at the super-freaking-big-school called ACS - B SOO late at night... thanks to all the sec 4s who, even with O's came down, came, like practically every single one of them.
i love you people!!!!!!! omg... this is our last year together..sigh.

and to the sec 1s, i hope you guys got a feel of what u will be going through in a few years... learn as much as you can.. because beleive it or nnot, Cedar will most definitely, in a few years, rise to the caliber of schools like MGs and ACSI. this year being the first that cedar's participated in 'A' Div, it was a pretty good start. now we need to start clawing our way up the tables. heh heh. you guys have loads of potential and so we have high hopes for you guys. beleive in yourselves and you can do it!

well.. unfortunately, this is kinda the end of the tournament for me and San. we won't be taking part in anymore competitions although you can certainly trust that we'll have many intrigueing debates of our own in the library. estee - jia you! must continue to be strong ok! my baby sister!!!

sorry couldn't help it. still in shock about our victory over RGS. whoo. well...
we're going to Hwa Chong on tues.. for the 1st SYF rehearsal. people, try and make it. cause its quite fun getting lost inside Hwa Chong - which is like 10 times bigger than ACSB. seriously, its cause its a really good experience and we need to support our actresses! jiayou.. the big day's coming up soon... and according to Mr. Sng, "just do the best you can. i only expect you to have fun" and directly after that, " i expect you to do the best you can". haha. but jiayous people! we're behind you all the way!

lets hope we get "double happiness" this year!

love, your president.

comments please ^_^

March 5, 2007 4:24 PM


hello lovely EL people...

thought i'd just drop by...
i think that this past week has been rather horrible actually... what with the press and all.
but i guess this an opportune moment for Cedar to unite and stand together. like mrs ou yang
said... even the rain isn't that important compared to it. well... i'm supposed to be prepping for
fri's debate against ij TP but well.. i felt like posting a message.
* esp.. since geraldine keeps saying our blog is dead. let's water it with posts and see it grow.whoo.

hmmm... SYF is coming up in April... jia you to the actresses and backstage crew lovelies...
actually if u think about it.. even if the actresses were superbly excellent *which they are of
course, except maybe worm.haha. .. it really wouldnt happen w/o our backstage crew... so everyone,
lets give them a pat on the back. *pat*

and as for the debaters... what can i say? keep rocking people... and don't let the fire burn out..
esp when its just exploded in our dear little cutiesy-pie jolene! jia you cedar debate team! we
can trample our opponents...muhahahaha. san, i love you. baby love, i love you. fiona, i love you.
frindians, chindians and all sorts of indians, unite! whoo. i miss REKA MOHAN.

Sec 1s! you people have really warmed up! all of you are starting to emerge from your shells
and start interacting with your seniors. we hope that you people will continue to be full of
PASSION and FIRE for eldds and all the best! but please remember, your seniors are still older than you, and so you need to treat them with the proper amount of respect that they deserve... esp the coaches, Coach faith and Coach fiona. Its good to be enthusiastic.. thats exactly what we want... but, always be mindful of basic courtesy, ok? like not talking when someone else is.. ring a bell? - **SHUTAAAP!* . but keep on shining people and be the best you can be!

hmmm... more exciting things coming up... there will be a ELDDS march camp for SYF practice
and bonding sessions.... and an OVERNIGHT camp in the 1st week of june.. so please! if u've made holiday arrangements for june.. don't put it in the 1st week ok? its compulsory for all... and note to sec 4s; relax.. there will STILL be time to study for O's..
oh.. and we're getting our NEW eldds shirt soon! its really cool and awesome... must wear it with pride ok? whoo.

well that's it for now.. or else fiona will skin me alive if i don't do my case by tonight. heh heh.

your loving president.
el rocks.

comments please ^_^

March 4, 2007 5:50 PM

Hello lovers

whoo.. it's been a long time since I've posted. Too long. Holidays are fine. Homework is.. torture. But coming along... and um..that's it! YIPEE! Blasted blogger locked me out.

Can't wait for next debate session and competition.

Anything else... nay.. nothing else. Let the pictures do the talking.

much love,

comments please ^_^

March 3, 2007 3:40 PM

hey! ignore the prev post!

comments please ^_^

3:39 PM

Jump Over The Moon.

pple in the world today are capable of doing anything to earn $. they have basically become more materialistic. they are just not concerned abt the outcome of their actions as they are self-centred. so, im not surprised with the fact that more and more fast food restaurants are blooming everywhere. everywhere meaning, they can be found at all corners in all streets in every city of every ctry.
however, we pple who are very prone to be held by the evil clutches of these fast food restaurants have to learn to make the right decisions on our own. for this, we all need to excercise self-discipline. however it is this factor that many of us are lacking in and hence lose out easily to these restaurants.fast food restaurants have done nothing to be blamed at.these restaurants have in fact been very creative to come up with receipes that attract pple of all ages. when chicken meat can provide so much of taste, why would they bother to come up with receipes containing only vegetables??? besides it just make the task of preparing a tasty meal more difficult.fast food restaurants give pleasure to those who eat the food. they are a popular element of parties which make the party even more fun. so when they provide so much of pleasure, people will obviously choose to have their meals here more than anywhere else.the current generation has been taught the importance of education. so these people of the future have to make the right decisions to protect themselves as well as their family memebers. if u dont know how to cook, then just grab a cooking book with receipes of a nutritious meal!

comments please ^_^