Hallo all! It's Simphoni reporting from, er..... Singapore! Anyway, firstly, what have you (faith?) done to the blog? Whenever I tried to access it, my computer got stuck and hang. Geez.... can you do something about it please? Thank you so much ^_^ Or wait...is it just my com? Hmm...let me check first. For everyone, I hope you do well for your exams!!!! Now that it's over, we can more focused on EL, right? Tee hee. We've got a lot of stuffs coming after all ^o^
Anyway, the most important thing is, I'm here to remind you that THERE WILL BE ANOTHER EL SESSION ON THE 17TH OF OCTOBER AT 2.30 PM. So, remember to come!
Secondly, I also want to remind you that the EL CAMP is still on. It's from 31ST OCTOBER-2ND NOVEMBER FROM 9AM TO 4PM. Lunch will be provided which is why I need you to tell me if:
1). you're going, and
2). if you're a vegetarian
Ok? Understand? You can just sms me (81354989) starting today. I will confirm again on the last EL session.
Lastly, about CIP....I will only look for CIP during the November-December holiday if more than 20 people are interested. And the CIP will probably take place in the first 2 weeks of November, so make sure you don't ciao first.
So, remember to tell your parents about the camp. Remember that if you don't go, it'll be your own loss ie. you got lesser chance on participating in SYF! And remember to tell me your answers for no.1 & 2 ok? or I'll hunt you down and give you the evil eye, like this:
 (actually he's very HANDSOME! Look below...)
 (sigh...! faint... ohohohohoho)
That's all. Tell you more on the last session. Adieu, moi amigos!
ps. you can just ignore all the pictures, you know....^-^;; >
I have returned. mwahwhaw
Exams are here. Sec1 Science was pretty ok.. until that last sectionC. It's like they were waiting for everyone to think " OMG! the paper's almost over and it's not that difficult. hmm? " And there it comes, a smack in the face with a mind boggling question which i read, re-read and re-re-read over and over to actually understand. Thankfully.. . i finished :P
And halfway through, Mr Ang comes in and says in his low voice. " Ok GIRls, for question 28, the option should be changed from ABDC to ABCD." He repeats that for over 3 times. Each time in the same tone. I wanted to laugh but i knew i couldn't :D.
So, here's to all our seniors. Mainly Reka for noticing peeping poojha and never failing to say "hello sexy!", sending poojie into fits of insanity and laughter.
Ohh and i managed to chow down on some music. here are a few albums worth buying.
BreakiNG Bejamin- Phobia. Hoobastank- EveryMan For Himself ( YAYAYYY!!!) Panic At the Disco- A fever you can 't SWEAT out.
and here are a few songs worth listening to..
1Come Together- the beatles ( hahha oldie! all of them are dead except Paul Mccartney.. the sane one.) 2Broken Wings- Alterbridge 3Disappear- Hoobastank 4Heya- Outkast( I use this music to study. especially the " SHAKE IT SHAKE SHAKE IT" part. I'll be like. Shake it .. carbondioxide.. shake it shake it.. filtration.. shake it) when you do listen to it, dont forget to dance! 5But it's better if you do- Panic! at the disco.
Ohh and here are a few blogs worth reading..
click -webbie Click- blog click -blog
ok! hhahahah. ill go away now. bye! i miss eldds. the week feels so empty and full of time and unused space. sigh my el shirt is just sitting in the cupboard. It needs air. It needs EL AIR. sigh.... >